Maybe it is the new direction to link everything together... which will be explained later.
As suggested by Chris Horner, another guest at the symposium on 22/5 and Amanda Couch, "entanglement" is a term in Quantum Physics related to time as well. So this topic is indeed something that I am interested in.
So I've started to read some of these and see what I can get out of it or to link knowledge together to generate new narratives/open up conversations.
I'm working on the painting on the irregular canvas as well. This painting is created by me from scratch and it is my challenge of painting as 1. The canvas is an unusual shape 2. The perspective is twisted and all sorts of wrong 3. I forgot what that is but you'll see.

This is the imitation of a type of public housing estate in Hong Kong, the "Twin Towers", designed by Taiwan-born landscape architect Donald Liao, CBE, JP in the 1970s.
New housing plans were implemented to address the problem of overcrowding and to improve the living conditions back then. The major improvements in the 1970s include the introduction of individual kitchens and toilets in each flat to ensure that residents have more privacy.
During Queen Elizabeth II's visit to Hong Kong in 1975, she went to one of these housing blocks, Oi Man Estate, which is in fact regarded as a spectacle (positive sense). After the handover, it just got worse and worse and even if it is just a show what the HKSAR government is able to put up is an ugly show.

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